Experienced Scout in Laplace can easy find all enemy traps and defeat enemy while avoiding them. Lighting Assassin can hide in the shadows and instantly kill his opponent in one hit while Swift Hunter specialize in traps and baiting.
Recommended stat points - Strength and Dexterity.
Recommended attributes - Attack, Crit, and Evade.
Recommended weapons - Bows and Dual Blades.
Recommended equipment - Leather.
Lighting Assassin VS Swift Hunter
Ranger can choose to become melee fighter - Lighting Assassin or range fighter - Swift Hunter. Lighting Assassin focus on evade and strong attacks. Swift Hunter prefer to control battlefield with range attacks that can cause stun or decrease movement speed and traps.
Scout skills -
Ranger skills -
Lighting Assassin skills -
Swift Hunter skills -
Recommended stat points - Strength and Dexterity.
Recommended attributes - Attack, Crit, and Evade.
Recommended weapons - Bows and Dual Blades.
Recommended equipment - Leather.
Lighting Assassin VS Swift Hunter
Ranger can choose to become melee fighter - Lighting Assassin or range fighter - Swift Hunter. Lighting Assassin focus on evade and strong attacks. Swift Hunter prefer to control battlefield with range attacks that can cause stun or decrease movement speed and traps.

Icon | Name | Lvl | Cooldown | Description |
榴彈爆破 | 4 | 8 seconds | Very strong AOE attack. |

Icon | Name | Lvl | Cooldown | Description |
高熱陷阱 | 12 | 12 seconds | Set a trap that will detonate after a brief pause. |
翻滾 | 12 | 24 seconds | Fast forward roll. Improve speed. | |
暴風詭雷 | 20 | 24 seconds | Set a trap that will detonate after a brief pause. Can be activated manually (?). | |
神迅風騁 | 30 | 120 seconds | Increases teammates attack speed and movement speed |

Icon | Name | Lvl | Cooldown | Description |
神風追擊 | 40 | 20 seconds | "Dash" or jump skill, press second time to deal additional damage. | |
超反射 | 40 | 30 seconds | Improve dodge. | |
死鬥者 | 45 | 60 seconds | Deathmatch debuff, deal additional damage. | |
深淵潛行 | 50 | 30 seconds | Temporarily hide yourself away from an enemy's vision. | |
暴雷戰慄 | 55 | 120 seconds | Party buff. Increases Crit Rate and Crit Damage. |

Icon | Name | Lvl | Cooldown | Description |
衝擊火箭 | 40 | 20 seconds | Launch powerful rockets, additional stun (dizzy) effect. | |
反射迴避 | 40 | 20 seconds | Automatically (?) jump backward when attacked and reduce damage suffered by the attack. | |
禁錮裝置 | 45 | 24 seconds | Trap. Nature damage and reduces movement speed. Can be activated manually (?). | |
神鷹之眼 | 50 | 30 seconds | Calling Eagles to attack target. Cause 'Weakness' effect (reduce target crit damage resistance) | |
疾馳轟炸 | 55 | 60 seconds | AOE damage, reduce target physical resistance. Effect can be stacked. |